Bella has just returned from Euro tour which included visits to Hamburg, Berlin, Prague, Amsterdam and Paris.
This was with a group of 30 exchange students from over 11 different countries.
In Hamburg she caught up with fellow exchange student Ben Bayliss.
In Paris, under the Eiffel Tower she also bumped into a group of exchange students from Australia.
Amongst this group were 2 girls Toni and Erica who are from our district 9780.
Bella is enjoying school and is doing well with the language.
It is now time in Germany for many of the exchange students from the other countries to return home so Bella is saying goodbye to many of her friends.
She will be attending an orientation in September for all of the new incoming students.
Her favourite food is currywurst und pommes, which is fried pork sausage topped with curry and served with fries!
Most of the fruit she eats is imported from Chile, Columbia and other South American countries.
July 16 will be the 6 month mark for Bella’s exchange year.