Membership-Christine Howard.


The Club must now face into the strong head wind of reality and address membership with a sense of urgency our club will face extinction. In five years time there will be only three of our present members still working.

- $500 district grant to be used for printing new flyers

- Joe has investigated cost of reply paid envelopes however flyer drop to date has not been successful.

- our greatest opportunity to grow our numbers is through our existing membership with each member to bring one guest over the year with a view to onboard

- corporate membership to be investigated further with view of boarding one new business each quarter

- local schools we have supported along with Kardinia College to be approached to publish promotional article and seeking new members appeal.

- regular supporters of our dinner auction through donations also to be approached 're interest in membership

- membership must be given priority moving forward.


Community Services- Lindsay Dixon.


Attended by Lindsay Dixon. Peter Codd, and Sandy Kee.
We discussed the donation to the homeless team which visited our meeting earlier and recommended the donation of a deepfreeze unit, which was asked for by  the speaker’ The board may seem fit to donate other moneys if so desired. Other discussions were around continuing the leftovers from the previous year that were not completed.